Lawyer in Turkey: October 2018

Wednesday, October 17, 2018


Turkey has never been as generous as the last year. The economy of the land keeps moving with its ups and downs and finds reasons to attract foreign capital to invest. The news comes from internal affairs and reports that the conditions for acquiring Turkish nationality is been changed in the sense that the investment capital contribution has been reduced in particular.

With the regulation amending the regulation on the application of the Turkish nationality law published in the Official Gazette, the foreigners are able to acquire Turkish citizenship on the following possibilities;

  • In the context of business investment, the minimum fixed capital investment is reduced from 2 million dollars to 500 thousand dollars
  • purchase investment in real estate property is been reduced from  $ 1 million 250 thousand dollars, provided that the purchased real estate will not be sold within three years
  • the amount limit foreseen in order to obtain citizenship by acquiring a certain amount of deposits in Turkish banks for a period of three years or the acquisition of government debt instruments is limited from 3 million dollars to 500 thousand dollars,
  • to participate and investment in fund participation share of venture capital fund or venture capital is reduced from 1.5 million dollars to 500 thousand dollars.
In addition, the limit on the amount of employment envisaged to acquire Turkish citizenship through employment creation has been reduced from 100 to 50 persons.

As an expert in real estate investment and legal matters, my attention has been drawn in particular to the possibility of obtaining citizenship when investing in real estate.

Imagine that you would like to set up a company with real estate for storage, processing, production, trading or whatsoever , a nice step to bypass the application for a work permit.
You must have a work permit to start your business.

Don't hesitate to contact us in case you need more information.